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How to Disassemble a 1911: The Ultimate Picture Guide

How to Disassemble a 1911: The Ultimate Picture Guide

Posted by on Apr 17th 2024

Need to clean your 1911? Want to replace or upgrade components? This step-by-step, instructional picture walks you through how to break down your 1911 -- from field stripping for basic cleaning, to complete disassembly with tools. Let's start.1911 Disassembly: Tools Required basic field strippi …

DISCLAIMER: If you are new to the world of DIY gun building, you likely have a lot of questions and rightfully so. It’s an area that has a lot of questions that, without the correct answers, could have some serious implications. At, we are by no means providing this content on our website to serve as legal advice or legal counsel. We encourage each and every builder to perform their own research around their respective State laws as well as educating themselves on the Federal laws. When performing your own research, please be sure that you are getting your information from a reliable source.

How to Assemble a 1911 Frame (Picture Guide)

How to Assemble a 1911 Frame (Picture Guide)

Posted by on Apr 17th 2024

Finished your 80% 1911 frame? Need to put back together a bunch of pieces for an upgrade? Here's how to assemble your frame. Note that although we're using a retail-bought 1911, the frame is, in form and function, identical to a completed 80% frame.Need to remove old parts first? Here's our guide …

DISCLAIMER: If you are new to the world of DIY gun building, you likely have a lot of questions and rightfully so. It’s an area that has a lot of questions that, without the correct answers, could have some serious implications. At, we are by no means providing this content on our website to serve as legal advice or legal counsel. We encourage each and every builder to perform their own research around their respective State laws as well as educating themselves on the Federal laws. When performing your own research, please be sure that you are getting your information from a reliable source.

GLOCK® 17 vs 19: Key Differences & Parts Compatibility

GLOCK® 17 vs 19: Key Differences & Parts Compatibility

Posted by on Mar 19th 2024

The GLOCK series of handguns are, by the numbers, the most popular firearms on Earth. Of those, two models are favored far more than any others: The GLOCK® 17 and GLOCK® 19. At a glance, the G17 and G19 look nearly identical -- but there are key differences to consider. With all the aftermarket part …

DISCLAIMER: If you are new to the world of DIY gun building, you likely have a lot of questions and rightfully so. It’s an area that has a lot of questions that, without the correct answers, could have some serious implications. At, we are by no means providing this content on our website to serve as legal advice or legal counsel. We encourage each and every builder to perform their own research around their respective State laws as well as educating themselves on the Federal laws. When performing your own research, please be sure that you are getting your information from a reliable source.

How The GLOCK's Safeties Work (and FAQ)

How The GLOCK's Safeties Work (and FAQ)

Posted by on Mar 12th 2024

The GLOCK® is arguably the most popular handgun on Earth. Tens of millions of GLOCKs have been issued to military and law enforcement worldwide and, by the numbers, it's the preferred handgun for civilians who want a reliable concealed-carry weapon. But the GLOCK® (and the Polymer80 pistols bas …

DISCLAIMER: If you are new to the world of DIY gun building, you likely have a lot of questions and rightfully so. It’s an area that has a lot of questions that, without the correct answers, could have some serious implications. At, we are by no means providing this content on our website to serve as legal advice or legal counsel. We encourage each and every builder to perform their own research around their respective State laws as well as educating themselves on the Federal laws. When performing your own research, please be sure that you are getting your information from a reliable source.

What is The Best 80 Percent Lower?

What is The Best 80 Percent Lower?

Posted by on Feb 27th 2024

"Which 80% lower is the best" Is a question we get asked frequently by AR-15 builders and new customers. The answer to that question depends on what type of AR you're building, and what tools you have access to. Of course, there is generally one overall best choice when it comes to putting together …

DISCLAIMER: If you are new to the world of DIY gun building, you likely have a lot of questions and rightfully so. It’s an area that has a lot of questions that, without the correct answers, could have some serious implications. At, we are by no means providing this content on our website to serve as legal advice or legal counsel. We encourage each and every builder to perform their own research around their respective State laws as well as educating themselves on the Federal laws. When performing your own research, please be sure that you are getting your information from a reliable source.

How to Build an AR Upper: Instructions & Photos

How to Build an AR Upper: Instructions & Photos

Posted by on Feb 13th 2024

Ready to assemble a barreled AR-15 upper receiver? Follow these instructions. We're assembling a 300 Blackout upper, but these instructions are identical for all standard AR-15 (5.56/.223), AR-10 (.308) and AR9 (9mm) uppers. Note that 9mm uppers do not need a gas system, so skip those steps.  …

DISCLAIMER: If you are new to the world of DIY gun building, you likely have a lot of questions and rightfully so. It’s an area that has a lot of questions that, without the correct answers, could have some serious implications. At, we are by no means providing this content on our website to serve as legal advice or legal counsel. We encourage each and every builder to perform their own research around their respective State laws as well as educating themselves on the Federal laws. When performing your own research, please be sure that you are getting your information from a reliable source.

We are a national retailer of individual components and not all products depicted on this website are legal in every state. Shipping of various products found on this website are prohibited to some states (such as California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Washington). The information, pictures, text or products presented on this website are not a representation by us, and should not be understood by you, that any product or completed firearm is legal to assemble or own in your state of residence. We encourage each and every builder to perform their own research about the state and federal laws that apply to them. It is your responsibility to understand the law and we encourage you to consult with an attorney or your local ATF representative.